
At Fidell, we work in teams where each member’s competence and commitment contribute to the project’s success. We believe that the combination of experience and innovative thinking through discussions provides sustainable solutions. 

Fidell delivers not just buildings, but sustainable solutions for the future. We take pride in being technical specialists with a strong belief that the operational phase is more important than the construction production in a property’s life cycle. Our project managers, engineers, construction and installation managers, and technical administrators all work together to ensure that technical design meets reality for sustainable operation and that our customers get the best possible experience.

Roles at Fidell:
The key to successful construction projects

At Fidell, you will meet a committed consulting company that, with a personal touch and technical expertise, creates successful and sustainable projects.

Our technical expertise is not only based on our experience in specific roles but also on our broad background in various fields. This versatility, encompassing contracting, design, digitalization, and planning, gives us a deeper understanding and enables better project support in our roles. This diversity of experiences allows us to offer a comprehensive perspective and improve our work within Fidell and our offering to clients.

Our goal is to build trust and confidence through our four main roles: Project Managers, Construction and Installation Managers, Technical Administrators, and Project Engineers.

Roles at Fidell

Learn more about each role and the services our experienced team can assist you with.


Våra projektledare är hjärtat i varje projekt. De ansvarar för att styra projektet från tidigt skede till överlämning, säkerställer att alla faser flödar smidigt, uppfyller regelverk, och håller sig inom budget och tidsramar. Deras ledarskap och engagemang garanterar att projektet blir en framgång.


Bygg- och installationsledarna ansvarar för de praktiska aspekterna av byggandet. De implementerar planerna på byggplatsen, koordinerar mellan olika yrkesgrupper, och ser till att installationerna genomförs korrekt och effektivt. Deras arbete garanterar att byggprocessen är smidig och hållbar även i fastigheter med pågående verksamhet eller ROT projekt.


Projektingenjörerna är våra tekniska experter som spelar en central roll i alla projekt. De kan, rita, modellera, designa, dokumentera, samordna, kontrollera och administrera genom alla skeden. De säkerställer att alla aspekter av projektet uppfyller de striktaste standarderna för säkerhet och hållbarhet och ligger i framkant av den tekniska utvecklingen.


After the project is completed, the technical managers ensures that the building or facility functions optimally. They handle maintenance planning and technical advice for efficient management and sustainable systems through inventory and technical inspection (Technical Due Diligence). Their efforts guarantee long-term sustainability and efficient operation.


Our project managers are the heart of every project. They are responsible for steering the project from the early stages to handover, ensuring that all phases flow smoothly, comply with regulations, and stay within budget and timelines. Their leadership and commitment guarantee that the project is a success.


Construction and installation managers are responsible for the practical aspects of construction. They implement the plans on the construction site, coordinate between various trades, and ensure that installations are carried out correctly and efficiently. Their work ensures that the construction process is smooth and sustainable, even in properties with ongoing operations or renovation projects.


Project engineers are our technical experts who play a central role in all projects. They can draw, model, design, document, coordinate, control, and administer through all phases. They ensure that all aspects of the project meet the strictest standards for safety and sustainability and are at the forefront of technical development.


After the project is completed, the technical managers ensures that the building or facility functions optimally. They handle maintenance planning and technical advice for efficient management and sustainable systems through inventory and technical inspection (Technical Due Diligence). Their efforts guarantee long-term sustainability and efficient operation.

Visiting address: Norrtullsgatan 17,
113 29 Stockholm

Phone: 08-96 92 00

Mail: info@fidell.se

© 2024 Fidell